ITAM Tools – Chinese Whispers, Rhetoric and Folklore
Having worked at Centennial Software (now FrontRange Solutions) for six years I must admit to having a bit of a soft-spot for their product ‘Discovery’.
However it has been quite an eye-opener to review the technology for the Mid-Market SAM Software Group Test from a completely independent stand point.
As a former software vendor representative, I think we can sometimes start believing our own rhetoric, believing our technology to be the best thing since sliced bread. It’s only when you really lift the hood on some of the tools and do a side by side comparison do you realize the real strengths and weaknesses.
In my experience real competitive information about ITAM tools is a mixture of Chinese whispers, vendor rhetoric and corporate folklore.
It is because of this scarcity of genuinely independent information that drove me to build the ITAM Review.
I believe current sources of ITAM tool intelligence include:
- Glossy PDF Case Studies full of PR Biz Speak
- Snippets of anecdotal evidence gleaned from end users
- Analyst firms or Publications looking to serve their advertisers or sponsors
So what does the word independent mean to the ITAM Review?
- The ITAM Review receives no funding or sponsorship for its publications
- Reports are not written with the view to selling re-print rights to vendors
- The ITAM Review receives no commission or referral fees
- The ITAM Review is not owned, funded or affiliated with any software vendors
Whilst there is no substitute for unbiased feedback and evaluations of technology from end users it is my aim that by providing genuinely independent competitive intelligence IT Asset Management professionals can make more informed purchasing decisions.
We have completed the reviews in a real life (albeit small) mixed environment and completed a full critique and opposed to a brochure comparison.
It is almost a year since I left Centennial, and it is on the 1st anniversary of the ITAM Review that I will be publishing the Mid-Market SAM Software Group Test.
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About Martin Thompson
Martin is also the founder of ITAM Forum, a not-for-profit trade body for the ITAM industry created to raise the profile of the profession and bring an organisational certification to market. On a voluntary basis Martin is a contributor to ISO WG21 which develops the ITAM International Standard ISO/IEC 19770.
He is also the author of the book "Practical ITAM - The essential guide for IT Asset Managers", a book that describes how to get started and make a difference in the field of IT Asset Management. In addition, Martin developed the PITAM training course and certification.
Prior to founding the ITAM Review in 2008 Martin worked for Centennial Software (Ivanti), Silicon Graphics, CA Technologies and Computer 2000 (Tech Data).
When not working, Martin likes to Ski, Hike, Motorbike and spend time with his young family.
Connect with Martin on LinkedIn.
Great Start Martin,
We have been around for a long time at ICT. The
real issues still exist with not only pure tool sales but with the procurement exercises at the end user. I recently spoke to a large
corporation that had failed at multiple attempts at AM. When pressed, it was largely the fact that once the honeymoon was over the
commitment went out the window and AM as a discipline was not maintained as a process. We always ask for a process requirement and set of
goals. In return we provide a playbook and how our software overlays the 2. When this is done and FTE’s tasked and incented ITAM works
well, and with a very good cost reduction and subsequent ROI. We will not sell software at ICT we always drive to sell a solution.
Customers will win when they engage in substantive evals and work the play book.
Thanks Ben. I agree, I’ve attended
countless meetings with organisations who are looking to replace ITAM technology because it ‘doesn’t work’ when in reality their
process is broken or they have not committed resource to maintain it.