
Contact Eracent
About Eracent
Eracent helps its customers meet the challenges of managing software licenses and computing assets in today’s complex and evolving IT environments. Eracent’s enterprise clients save significantly on their annual software spend, reduce their audit and security risks, and establish more efficient asset management processes. Eracent’s client base includes some of the world’s largest corporate and government networks and IT environments.
Eracent Products & Services
Eracent IT Management Center (ITMC)

Name: Eracent ITMC
Description: Eracent's ITAM products provide a wide range of capabilities that go beyond the traditional ITAM remit, enabling customers to build a platform for IT Management. Key products that make up this platform include ITMC Discovery, Continuous License Reconciliation, ITMC Lifecycle, and IT-Pedia.
Offer price: POA
Operating System: On Premise, SaaS, Hosted
Application Category: SAM Tools, ITAM Tools
Author: AJ Witt
Eracent CLR for SAP Applications

Name: Eracent CLR for SAP Applications
Application Category: SAP License Management
User Review
- Ease of UseSending
- Return on Investment (ROI)Sending
- Technical SupportSending
- Customer ServiceSending
- Overall SatisfactionSending
Eracent IT-Pedia

Name: Eracent IT-Pedia
Application Category: Asset Inventory
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Which use cases is it good for? What are the best alternatives?
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