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Whitepapers Library
How to build a SAAS Management Operations Program
This whitepaper, written in conjunction with Trelica, explores the challenges in managing SaaS operationally and presents a framework for building a SaaS Management Operations program.
Salary Survey
The whitepaper concludes with a discussion of what the current global economic climate may mean for you, your team, and the standing of ITAM in your organization, providing practical tips to advance your ITAM career.
The Shadow IT Governance Framework: 5 Key Elements
Enterprise SaaS Subscription Management tools are designed to enable organisations to manage their full stack of SaaS Applications – everything from a free browser-based calendar tool to a CRM system such as Salesforce. But how do you choose one?
Guide to enterprise Saas Management
With digital transformation accelerating and recognition that remote working is going to become business-as-usual now is the time to start an Enterprise SaaS Management program. Companies need to focus on enhancing security, reducing risks and costs, improving productivity, and optimizing operations.
Six Stages To Building A Valuable SAM Practice
This paper provides a modern and practical approach to building a valuable Software Asset Management (SAM) function within your business. The six stages recommended allow a Software Asset Manager to focus their efforts to deliver the biggest impact and aim for a status of ‘audit ready’ with software publishers.
What to look for in a SaaS Subscription Management Tool
Enterprise SaaS Subscription Management tools are designed to enable organisations to manage their full stack of SaaS Applications – everything from a free browser-based calendar tool to a CRM system such as Salesforce. But how do you choose one?
Proactive Steps for Managing Cloud Costs
Cloud usage and cloud spend continue to grow. Spend on infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and software-as-a-service (SaaS) was predicted to reach well over $200 billion by 2020—and that was before COVID-19 accelerated many organisations’ moves to the cloud.
An IT Asset Manager’s Introduction to Internet of Things
You’ll have heard the term Internet of Things at some point – from a vendor, a colleague, a post on Linkedin, adverts on tv, a bus stop, an airport or somewhere else.
What is it and what does it mean to you?
Foundations of Modern SAM
This whitepaper advocates leveraging the power of the cloud and managed services to build a best- in-class ITAM practice that will help drive change and support technology functions through this period of unprecedented transformation.
Licensing Oracle in the Public Cloud 2020
If you’re looking to shift some software to the cloud and you’re an Oracle customer – which probably means you have a lot of Oracle licenses – Oracle BYOL might be the smart move. This handy Oracle licensing guide looks at the BYOL rules for Oracle software running in public cloud environments.
Preparing for 2021
As we look ahead, one thing we can be sure of is that uncertainty is driving change—in all aspects of our personal and professional lives as well as on a wider scale across industries and the political landscape. The interconnected disciplines of IT, software licensing, procurement and asset management have been undergoing change at varying paces for several years, but 2020 has seen acceleration across the board.
Saas Management Market Report 2020
The ITAM Review are delighted to publish the first comprehensive research into the emerging SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Management market. SaaS Management tools and services enable companies to ensure SaaS is managed across a range of use cases including Cost Management, Risk Management, Shadow IT Discovery, and Automation.
Salesforce Licensing Guide 2020
One of the significant challenges in managing Salesforce licenses is ensuring that you have a complete overview of users and their licenses – of various sorts. Without this overview, it can be hard to know which licenses are costing you more than is needed, which you can reclaim and reassign, and which you can offload during your next contract negotiations.
Free Resources
An ITAM Manager's Guide to FinOps
FinOps exists to better manage the new challenges presented by cloud technologies including the much faster adoption of new technologies and much more rapid billing cycles while also recognising the critical role cloud plays in the growth and development of many organisations.
MathWorks Licensing: Getting started
MathWorks is a vendor that you may not be particularly familiar with – they definitely fit into the “niche” category – however, if your organisation uses this vendor’s products, there is almost certainly the opportunity for risk and/or cost reduction. MathWorks provide mathematical and numerical-analysis software and their two best known products are MATLAB and Simulink. 2019 saw them reach revenue of $1 billion across more than 4 million users.
Micro Focus Commercial Licensing guide
What skills will ITAM managers need in 2025?
As new technologies are introduced and businesses continue to work in new ways, new skills will be required to ensure ITAM continues to be, or perhaps becomes, a strategic part of your business. We’ve asked our Wisdom North America online conference 2020 sponsors to give us their thoughts on what skills existing – or new – ITAM mangers will need to be successful over the next 5 years. Spoiler alert – there is loads of great advice below so grab a drink, settle in, and start planning!
IBM v The IRS: The Audit - What can we learn?
This story of an audit that found its way into court last year is, originally, from 2013 but only recently came to light…and it’s a doozy! According to a whistle-blower (a former IBM employee), IBM fraudulently created a $91 million non-compliance penalty during a software audit in order to force an eventual renewal of $265 million. Not only that, the customer was the IRS (Inland Revenue Service)…the people who put Al Capone behind bars!
5 essential Excel skills for ITAM Professionals
Excel and other spreadsheets are powerful, universally available tools available for manipulating data.
This free resource takes you on a journey through a typical Excel for ITAM use case – gathering source data, manipulating it, querying it, and nally reporting it. We wrap up with a look at some of the new functionality available in Excel – namely Power Query & Power Pivot.
Getting to know: Micro Focus
We all often talk about the “Big 4” Tier 1 vendors – Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM – but more and more, increasing amounts of attention must be paid some of the smaller vendors. Often referred to as “Tier 2” vendors, they include software publishers such as Micro Focus, Quest, VMware and more – in this free resource, we’re going to look at Micro Focus.
Quest software audit goes to court
In December 2019, Fairview Health Services, a non-profit organisation, informed Quest that they wouldn’t be renewing support for their “Active Roles” licenses; this move seemingly prompted Quest to launch an audit. The reconciliation summary from Quest found the customer to be under-licensed…by 69,064 licenses, with an audit total came to $4,183,178.85. The available court documents state that: “Fairview attempted, without success, to replicate and verify both Quest’s number of allegedly over-deployed licenses and its calculation of the resulting fees.”, which gives a clear indication of where this case is going.
CAPEX v OPEX: A tale of two budgets
Cloud is great and solves a lot of problems – but it can also cause some new ones too. Back in my days as a reseller, whenever I spoke about cloud, I’d often find myself in a conversation about CAPEX v OPEX and I soon learned that the way you pay for cloud can be as big a factor as what you use it for. Some organisations had a strong preference for one method over another for various reasons, some that could have an impact on a company’s financial reports at the end of the financial year. This meant, and still does, that the way software is licensed and purchased can have a big impact on the company overall – and vice versa.
Now is the time to think about ITAD
At the beginning of the pandemic, many companies have undertaken large purchases and deployments of equipment to enable employees and students to effectively work from home. As lockdown rules start to be relaxed around the world, an important question arises: what’s going to happen to all the extra equipment that was deployed?
Here we look at how IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) can help in some key areas.
Five Steps to Preserving Cashflow with effective SaaS Management
This free resource provides practical advice on how managing SaaS expenditure can protect your organisation’s cashflow in a crisis such as the current pandemic. We’ve seen government schemes designed to cover wages on a short-term basis to prevent redundancies and layoffs but that doesn’t cover technology spending, and that’s where you can make a vital difference.
Strategies to raise your ITAM maturity
IT Asset Management (ITAM) has historically focused on software license compliance, although ITAM teams offer so much more to organizations beyond simply compliance. ITAM professionals have typically worked in the shadows, however market forces have recently thrust ITAM into the spotlight. We want to share some strategies to raise your ITAM maturity as we move forward.
How every IT Asset Manager can support climate change
The environmental business benefits of ITAM have historically taken a back seat compared to cost savings and compliance, but the unequivocal evidence of climate change is forcing the world to take a look at the damage being done and take action.
A mature ITAM practice has the power to make a real impact in terms of corporate social responsibility, environmental impact, and energy costs.
Micro Focus Support guide
Micro Focus offer both “Business Support” and “Premium Support” which provide access to new software releases and updates and self-support tools. This guide outlines the key rules and requirements for Micro Focus support agreements. Download our free guide to find out more.
Micro Focus licensing guide: Government & non-profit
Micro Focus have a large portfolio of products with a variety of agreement types and support levels. Furthermore, they’re well known for auditing customers with a range of aggressive tactics – this guide outlines the key rules and requirements for Micro Focus government and non-profit licensing agreements.