It’s a busy time for the team at IAITAM as they put together the final preparations for their annual conference at the end of September.
I recently corresponded with Barbara Rembiesa, President and Founder of IAITAM, about the multitude of projects her team is working on to...
My flight is booked and I’m on my way to Vegas!
I am pleased to be attending the IAITAM Annual Conference in September. It will be great to put some faces to all the names I have been speaking with since starting The ITAM Review.
SAM ASSESSMENT TOOL: FrontRange Solutions launch an Online SAM Self-Assessment Tool
WEBINAR: BDNA & Forrester July 28th 08.30 PDT Ways To Reduce IT Costs In Tough Economic Times
ARTICLE: Practical ITAM – Recommended ITAM Exception Reports
ARTICLE: Software Insider –...
Software Licence Management vendor Aspera held a “Cost Management” seminar in Frankfurt back in late March.
Their main take-away points for managing software costs in a recession are summarised below.
No idea where to start about software licensing?
Microsoft UK are providing a free training session on Microsoft Licensing. The course is designed at licensing novices and aims to give an overview of the licensing models for the popular Microsoft products.
The course also included...
For the ‘the cup is half empty’ folks, Centennial Software are offering a webcast with Forrester Research outlining how to manage IT during leaner times. The ondemand webcast is available via the Centennial Software website.
15 April 2008 18:30 – 15 April 2008 21:20 GMT, London
Outline of Licensing session
This session is aimed at providing IT professionals with a complete understanding of Microsoft’s Software Licensing. The course is not in-depth or technical, but will help you evaluate the...