The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: asset manager


  • HP Asset Manager for Oracle License Management

    This is an independent review of HP Asset Manager for managing Oracle Licensing. This review is part of our Oracle License Management Group Test. HP Asset Manager for Oracle License Management Product: HP Software Asset Management solution (SAM) consisting of HP Asset Manager (AM)...

  • Setting the scope of SAM design

    The views of the writer in no way reflect those of the organisations he’s working or worked in. Pick any definition you like of Software Asset Management. I’ll go with the ITIL version: “Software Asset Management (SAM) is all of the infrastructure and processes necessary...

  • The convergence of SAM and HAM

    This is part two of a two-part series on environment recognition. See part one here: ‘Modern SAM requires ‘Environment Recognition’ as much as ‘Software Recognition’. In my last article I explored the concept of ‘environment recognition’. I suggested that modern Software...

  • Review: HP Asset Manager for SAM

    This independent review of HP Asset Manager from HP is part of our 2012 SAM Tools Review. See all participants and terms of the review here. Executive Summary Elevator Pitch Strong Enterprise SAM Contender with dated interface Strengths Flexible and intelligent ‘software...

  • How ITAM can influence the CIO

    Use your ITAM knowledge to become a trusted decision influencer. As IT organizations diversify, Asset Managers must broaden their focus. It’s a great opportunity to build influence, but those who ignore the change risk their role becoming less relevant. For many years, though,...

  • How accurate is 100%?

    The GPS in the satnav of your car is able to tell you your location by listening to signals of satellites orbiting the earth. Your GPS won’t work with one satellite source; it typically needs four different satellite signals in order to provide a confident judgment of your location. Each...

  • IT Asset Manager Fired for License Shortfall

    Editor’s Note: News that an ITAM Review reader was fired due to a license shortfall attracted considerable interest and debate on the LinkedIn group. In this article the IT Asset Manager shares her story in her own words. If this situation arose in Europe my uneducated guess...

  • Keeping The ITAM Superhero Alive

    Dr. Barbara (Barb) Rembiesa Dr. Barbara (Barb) Rembiesa is the founder and CEO of the International Association of IT Asset Managers, Inc, (IAITAM), a global organisation focused on bringing education and best practice standards to IT asset management. As a staunch ITAM advocate,...

  • Computer Aid International: “Donating PCs Is Green”

    A UN 2003 analysis stated that at least 240 kilograms of fossil fuels, 22 kilograms of chemicals and 1,500 kilograms of water are required to produce one desktop computer and monitor. Computer Aid International has called upon IT Asset Managers across all industry verticals with a...

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