The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: Best Practice


  • SAP user and indirect access reconciliation process

    This article suggests a four-step process for managing SAP users and indirect access. It is a mixture of feedback from our SIG calls on SAP Indirect Access and ITAM Best Practice using the ITAM Review’s 12 Box Methodology. The article is designed to accompany our webinar on the...

  • The Increased Interest In SAM

    Introduction Over the past ten years or so, software asset management (SAM) has seen a large increase in demand and interest in its services. SAM professionals are now considered a niche, with established, specialist professionals in high demand from a variety of organisations across...

  • Event Listing: SAM Workshop (London)

    The ITAM Review will be running a SAM Workshop at the BCS in London on the 29th April. This will be an interactive session whereby those with issues or interest around SAM can discuss openly in a confidential setting with peers. The day will start with an introduction to SAM best...

  • Tips for the next generation of SAM professionals

    “Do your homework” Based on my experiences, here are my top tips for the next generation of SAM professionals. Absorb information You can learn a lot from your colleagues, both good and bad: Learn from their mistakes and successes Understand how they are doing things...

  • Yet Another New Strategy From Rudderless FAST?

    It seems The Federation Against Software Theft (FAST) has still not solved it’s life long identity crisis. John Lovelock, chief executive of FAST, now claims that FAST will now serve to “bridge the gap between software vendors and users”. With many software vendors...

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