Tag: Business Software Alliance
To watch our November News Roundup video, please see below.
November has been a busy month within the ITAM world! Here we round up the most interesting news stories.
Planning and Design pays out $118k to BSA
Firstly, TechWorld reports that another organisation has been fined...
42% of end users are unaware of software or SAM policies within their organisation
This morning (24/06/2014) the Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced the results of their Global Software Survey.
Security threats is the number one reason NOT to use unlicensed software
The number...
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has found an engineering design company to be non-compliant on Autodesk software, resulting in a payout of over £30k.
Project Options Ltd
Project Options Ltd are the organisation in question and they were found to have unlicensed Autodesk software...
John Lovelock
This article has been contributed by John Lovelock (independent consultant).
UK centric organisation the Federation Against Software Theft (FAST) has been in operation for almost 30 years this April 2014 along with other more international organisations such as the...
Matt Fisher is business development director at software asset management and license management tools company License Dashboard. As an industry spokesperson Fisher has been critical in the past of the BSA’s (BSA | The Software Alliance) so-called “attack dog” tactics, which...
2-Year Forbearance from Vendor Audits for Certified Organizations
Last year the Business Software Alliance (BSA) launched an industry training course and certification scheme based on the ISO/IEC 19770-1 SAM Standard (further details here).
Today the BSA launch an ‘Organizational’...
Autodesk is best known for Computer-aided Design (CAD) Software
Autodesk products are used by more than 10 million architects, designers, engineers, manufacturers, and digital artists across multiple industries, including architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, automotive,...
The BSA - The Police of the Software Industry?
The following article is based on a recent conversation with an ITAM Review reader.
Reader – Q. Who are the BSA?
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) are an international body that are financed by the biggest software companies...
software publishers complaining about piracy - a charade?
Last month the Business Software Alliance (BSA) published their ‘Eighth Annual Global Software Piracy Study’.
The BSA reports that the commercial value of pirated software continues to rise and that piracy is growing fastest...
Takeshi Takeuchi, Aeru Planning K.K.
I recently spoke with Takeshi Takeuchi, an IT consultant with Aeru Planning K.K. in Tokyo, Japan. Takeshi kindly provided me with a short overview of SAM in Japan:
Q. The ITAM Review: How is SAM perceived in Japan?
Takeshi: It’s been about...
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