Gartner have released a new Market Scope for ITAM repositories.
It is available to read here courtesy of CA.
Alongside the usual rating of vendors is a very good snapshot of the ITAM marketplace.
They provide an insightful summary of the current trends and market drivers and a useful...
This article has been contributed by Barb Rembiesa from IAITAM.
Part One: Vision
Part Two: Key Processes
Part Two: Key Processes
Once you understand how these foundational processes exist within the enterprise, then you are in the position to venture into the other key processes...
Monthly Page Views Nov 2008 to June 2010
The ITAM Review was 18 months old in May. A continued big thank you to all the readers, contributors and supporters who have helped the site grow.
If you would like to contribute or collaborate with the ITAM Review as we grow please contact...
Forrester Research (Nasdaq: FORR) claim SaaS based tools are disrupting the IT management software market. The link to the report plus a couple of other reports relevant to IT Asset Management are below:
How Big Is SaaS In IT Management Software?, November 17, 2008
Stuart Brown MBCS, a services architect with 3net Ltd gets to grips with ITAM.
Most large organizations do not really know what IT assets they have or who is looking after them, so using the inventory, investigation and improvement process outlined here can result in real economic...