The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: Microsoft


  • IAITAM Florida Conference Round-up

    It was great to attend the IAITAM Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida last month, and thanks to our friends there for inviting us to be part of such a superb event. There was an engaging and friendly atmosphere especially at the Beach Bash Opening (not surprising with a beautiful...

  • Understand the Microsoft sales process to unlock more value

    Allow plenty of time: “I recommend to clients to start the renewal process at least 180 days from contract expiration. Waiting late puts them in a position of weakness and reduces their options.” This article is an interview with John Grubb, Chief Advocate at SoftwareAdvocates,...

  • Save £105 per device by managing software

    This article has been contributed by Mark Flynn, UK Managing Director at Snow Software. Vanity purchases for enterprise users Will middle management come clean if they understand how expensive ill-considered purchases can be? Enthusiasm is one of the greatest human traits and we should...

  • Office 365 licensing restrictions push Reed towards Google Apps

    The technology landscape is shifting all the time with changes being brought about by virtualization, mobility and cloud. With this dynamism and force for change in mind, I was particularly interested to speak this week to Mark Ridley, head of technology at the UK job site

  • How SKU catalogues save time and money

    What do people mean when they refer to a ‘SKU Catalogue’ for license management? In this article I hope to demonstrate why organizations utilise SKU catalogues, the difference between SKU catalogues and software recognition and the business value to SAM practitioners. Shopping...

  • Inmeta Crayon acquires FAST Limited

    Jens Rugseth, CEO of Inmeta Crayon Norwegian licensing reseller and SAM specialist Inmeta Crayon has acquired FAST Limited. InMeta Crayon, with headquarters in Oslo, has presence in Northern Europe, Germany, France and the Middle East. The team has over 600 employees, over 10% of...

  • Microsoft Product Use Rights (PUR)

    The Devil is in the details This article has been contributed by Sean Robinson of License Dashboard. Microsoft Product Use Rights Document – the hidden font of Microsoft licensing knowledge! As any Software Asset Manager should know, a license is actually the right to use a piece...

  • Microsoft Licensing in the Cloud ‘As Complicated as Ever’

    Jeff Parker, Directions on Microsoft (DOM) I admire Directions on Microsoft (DOM) for their high quality content and professionalism, so it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to interview Jeff Parker, President. In this interview we explore DOM’s unique take on ‘miles...

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