The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: publishers


  • 78% Have Experienced a Vendor Audit in the Last Year

    I conducted a brief straw poll on vendor audit activity back in July. Thank you to everyone that took part, I apologise for the delay in publishing the results. In a nutshell: 78% experienced a vendor audit in the last year, average 2.5 audits, most helpful Microsoft, least helpful...

  • Should The BSA Charge for SAM Advantage?

    Following my recent article on the launch of SAM Advantage by the BSA – I received this anonymous contribution from an experienced SAM practitioner. In a nutshell – Software publishers have the most to gain from SAM education and create licensing complexity in the first...

  • What Constitutes Proof of License?

    This article has been contributed by Sandi Conrad of Conrad & Associates. Sandi is the author of the “SAM Starter Kit” published by The ITAM Review. When first setting up an asset management practice, determining which licenses can be proven as legal can be quite...

  • The Dreaded Audit Request

    This article has been contributed by Sandi Conrad of Conrad & Associates. Sandi is the author of the “SAM Starter Kit” published by The ITAM Review. So, you’ve just received a call from your software publisher that went something like this: “Hi. I’m the software...

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