The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: sap ag


  • Event Listing: IBM and SAP Seminar (London)

    Building on our Oracle seminars, we’re pleased to introduce a series of seminars on IBM and SAP licensing and audit defence. This seminar will cover the key issues of IBM and SAP licensing and will include expert industry speakers, interactive workshops and the chance to network...

  • SAP Audit Pre-Flight Checklist (SAP Licensing Series Part 3/3)

    7P: Pre-flight checks for SAP Licensing Audit This article has been contributed by Moshe Panzer, CEO of Xpandion. Part One – Getting into the Right Mind Set Part Two – Preparing Real Use Data Part Three – Pre-audit Data Cleansing Classification Part 3: Pre-audit Data Cleansing...

  • Review: Flexera Software FlexNet Manager Suite for Enterprises

    This independent review of FlexNet Manager Suite for Enterprises from Flexera Software is part of our 2012 SAM Tools Review. See all participants and terms of the review here. Executive Summary Elevator Pitch Black-belt SAM Strengths Industrial Strength Enterprise SAM offering,...

  • Lifting the Lid on SAP Engines

    SAP founders: Klaus Tschira, Hasso Plattner, Dietmar Hopp (from left to right) in 1982 This article has been contributed by Chris Hughes of Flexera Software. SAP engines (also known as packages) are optional applications for which additional licenses must be purchased. The metric...

  • SAP Named User License Optimization – Beyond the Basics

    Chris Hughes, Flexera Software This article has been contributed by Chris Hughes of Flexera Software. Generally, when we think about SAP named user license optimization, the focus is on three key optimizations: Identifying inactive users Inactive SAP user accounts are retired to...

  • Quick Guide to Second-Hand Software (Part 1 of 3)

    "Some statements from software vendors in this space may seek to cloud your judgement and paint a shady tone of grey" This article has been contributed by Noel Unwin of Part One – Industry Dynamics Part Two -Demystifying the Mist Part Three...

  • SAP Licensing Quick Guide

    This article was published in 2010 – read a new and updated 2015 version here. If you would like further information on managing the complexity of your SAP licensing agreement why not join us at one of our free events taking place this year? For more details visit our Events...

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