The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: sccm


  • SAM – What can be automated & what needs to stay manual?

    Here at the ITAM Review we are always being asked about how organisations can make their ITAM function more proactive and efficient. One of the arguments and suggestions for improving a SAM function is to start automating certain processes to take the strain off the ITAM team, allowing...

  • Process of the Month – Scope Verification Process

    You need a vigorous build process in place to ensure that agents are configured on devices PRIOR to going live on a network Donald Rumsfeld once made a speech concerning “known-knowns, known-unknowns and unknown unknowns” (what a star!)  The scope verification process seeks to...

  • Review: 1E AppClarity & Shopping

    This independent review of AppClarity and Shopping from 1E is part of our 2012 SAM Tools Review. See all participants and terms of the review here. Executive Summary Elevator Pitch AppClarity – Plug-in for SCCM for automatic reclaim of unused software. Shopping – Enterprise...

  • Microsoft SCCM (ConfigMgr) ITAM Plug-ins – The Results

    The results of the SCCM ITAM Plug-ins Group Test are now live. Microsoft System Center is a popular platform, the aim of the research is showcase the capabilities of tools that harness System Center data for IT Asset Management. The vendors featured in the review are 1E, AssetLabs,...

  • Microsoft Aims to Simplify System Center 2012 Licensing

    [Thank you to regular reader ‘Niall’ who kindly contributed this article ] Last week Microsoft released details regarding licensing changes for System Center 2012. Companies that are considering any growth or expansion of their existing system management products should...

  • Coming Soon: Microsoft SCCM Plug-ins Review

    I am in the process of reviewing five seven eight market leading SCCM ITAM plug-ins. The tentative list of vendors participating in alphabetical order is as follows: 1E Assetlabs BDNA License Dashboard LicenseWatch Nexthink Provance Snow Microsoft System Center is a popular platform,...

  • 1E Launches SCCM Plugin to Target Software Waste

    You might know 1E for their NightWatchman brand, famous for switching off PCs at night when they are not in use and saving energy. 1E boasts some 16 million licenses across 1400 customers and the company claims that over 90% of their customers use the Microsoft SCCM platform for systems...

  • Using Microsoft SCCM for SAM [Expert Panel]

    Custom Tweaks To Enhance Performance This is the second expert panel following valued contributions from industry experts on the NHS exiting their Enterprise Agreement last month. If you would like to contribute to future expert panels please give me a shout. This month the expert...

  • Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager SAM Add-Ons

    Retrofit your SMS/SCCM installation to add Software Asset Management functionality with the following add-ons. If there are any other tools, tips or tricks you know of to enhance SMS/SCCM please let me know and I’ll add them to this listing. 1E AppClarity BDNA for SMS/SCCM...

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