The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: service management


  • The value ITAM brings to the Service Desk

    Whiteboard Wednesday Episode 23: The value ITAM brings to the Service Desk Welcome to Whiteboard Wednesday, this week, what value can ITAM provide to the Service Desk? Please like, follow, subscribe to Whiteboard Wednesday updates,...

  • Virima review { font-family: 'Lato', cursive; } Virima Name: Virima Description: Virima provides a suite of tools to enable a wide range of IT Management use cases extending well...

  • Technology Review: Miradore

    This is an independent review of Miradore. AT A GLANCE Founded in 2006 with headquarters in Finland, Miradore is a provider of IT Asset Management (ITAM) solutions enabling organisations to manage their IT assets throughout their lifecycle. This review takes a look at the core capabilities,...

  • Network Discovery Data Quality

    This article has been contributed by Thomas Trenz, CEO at JDisc. More and more companies adapt their IT processes to the ITIL best practices to increase the efficiency of their IT service management. According to Wikipedia, ITIL “is a set of practices for IT service management (ITSM)...

  • Gartner MarketScope for the IT Asset Management Repository

    Gartner have released a new Market Scope for ITAM repositories. It is available to read here courtesy of CA. Alongside the usual rating of vendors is a very good snapshot of the ITAM marketplace. They provide an insightful summary of the current trends and market drivers and a useful...

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