New Recruits at The ITAM Review
I am very pleased to welcome two new recruits to The ITAM Review team this month.
Archie James graduated from Nottingham Trent University with a degree in Psychology with Criminology in 2019, and joins us as Business Development Manager. Archie will be focussing on growing LISA – ITAM Review’s on-demand video training for ITAM, SAM and software licensing professionals.
Dominic Richards is our new Events and Marketing Coordinator and will be putting his degree in Events and Marketing and 4 years of experience in the events industry to good use in order to help develop and grow our in-person and online events offerings. Dominic is currently working on our next online conference – Wisdom Online North America. Click here for more details and to register.
We asked our new team members to answer some questions in order for us to get to know them a little better:
- What’s one thing we don’t know about you?
Archie: I love all sport and will watch anything from water polo to cycling
Dominic: I used to run student club nights during my time at university
2. When not working you are most likely to be found…
Archie: Playing rugby or watching Netflix
Dominic: Running, traveling or trying to discover new music
3. The first record you bought or downloaded was…
Archie: London Calling – The Clash
Dominic: I honestly think it was The Beatles Greatest Hits or AC/DC, Back in Black. Still have both
4. You have a secret soft spot for…
Archie: Pugs
Dominic: A good patterned shirt
5. What are you most looking forward to now that you’re part of the ITAM Review team?
Archie: I am most looking forward to helping grow the LISA platform
Dominic: I am really looking forward to exploring digital and virtual event offerings to ensure we can continue to engage, inspire and learn through the power of events
Contact Archie to find out more about LISA, or register here for a free trial.
Contact Dominic to find out more about our upcoming events.
- Tags: archie james · dominic richards · events · itam review · itam review team · LISA · Marketing · team members · welcome