Last week was the ITAM Review 2017 UK conference. This was my first, proper, SAM focused, end-user conference and it was fantastic. The overarching theme was “ITAM in the Cloud Era” and the presentations, sessions and conversations were very interesting and enlightening.
We all know that the world of licensing is fast paced and full of changes – and to that end, we’ve a new podcast for your delectation.
I, Rich Gibbons, will be doing a semi-regular round-up of licensing related changes – new products, amended terms, hot topics of interest...
What’s happening?
It’s quite common for organisations to use a perpetual license of Office to access their Office 365 services such as Exchange Online, E1 etc. Microsoft have announced a change to Office 365 support requirements that may mean a change of strategy for some organisations:
Visual Studio 2017
The latest release of Visual Studio is now in the Product Terms. Editions available are:
Professional 2017
Professional 2017 Subscription
Enterprise 2017 Subscription
Test Professional 2017 Subscription
MSDN Platforms
This can be found on pages 35/36 of the April...
Your PC uses a processor that isn’t supported on this version of Windows
Microsoft announced towards the end of 2016 that Windows 10 would be the only supported operating system for the new 7th generation of CPUs, including Intel Kaby Lake and AMD Bristol Ridge.
There have been...
Here at The ITAM Review, we’ve heard your requests for software licensing training – and we’re working hard to bring you what you need to make your roles that bit easier.
Our aim is to deliver a comprehensive, intro to expert, multi-vendor, multi-format training portfolio...
Premium Assurance adds an additional six years of product support for Windows Server and SQL Server
Product Terms
Premium Assurance
The big addition to this month’s Product Terms is the availability of Premium Assurance.
What is it?
These new offerings are aimed at organisations...
Keeping up with changes to Microsoft product terms is a full time job! In this article Rich Gibbons provides an update to the key changes for January and February 2017.
Microsoft Product Terms changes – January 2017
System Center Client Management Suite
This license was a...
Cloud or bust?
At this week’s MAX conference – Adobe revealed more information about their plans to move their products, and their customers, to the cloud.
They started their journey last year with their Creative Cloud for Individuals and took the next step in early 2013, with...
This guide is available as a handy PDF – simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive a copy.
Windows 8 Edition
Microsoft has made changes to the editions of Windows with their latest release, in an effort to make it easier for people to choose. The editions of Windows...