The ITAM Review

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Tag: asset disposal


  • Hard drive disposal best practice – Community survey results

    Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to our quick poll on hard drive disposal (Original request here). The goal was to understand how ITAM Review readers dispose of hard drives, the methods used, standards adhered to and attitudes towards hard disk disposal. I closed the...

  • Hard Drive Disposal Survey

    How do ITAM Review readers manage data erasure and disposal of hard drives? Please help with a quick survey on Hard Drive Disposal. I’m conducting a quick survey on how ITAM Review readers dispose of hard drives, the methods used, standards adhered to and attitudes towards hard...

  • ITAD Chain of Custody Case Studies – Challenges & Common Excuses

    ITAD Sleight of hand- now you see it, now you don't.... This article has been contributed by Kyle Marks at Retire-IT. In his previous article Kyle explored the value of process in IT Asset Disposal – in this article Kyle explores some real life scenarios to illustrate chain-of-custody...

  • ITAD Chain of Custody

    This article has been contributed by Kyle Marks at Retire-IT. What has more value, an armored bank truck, or a van delivering old computers to a disposal vendor? An armored truck may hold millions of dollars. An old computer on the other hand, if lost, may mean millions in liability. Every...

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