The ITAM Review

News, reviews and resources for worldwide ITAM, SAM and Licensing professionals.

Tag: software licenses


  • Picking the right SAM tool (Part 2 of 2)

    Ensure your SAM tool can dig deep and get all of the data you need. Read Part 1 in our series of articles on SAM tools here. What to look for in a good SAM Tool This is a tough call to make, as everyone’s needs are different. Let’s assume an organisation wants a solid ‘all-round’...

  • Certero AssetStudio for Inventory and Discovery

    This is an independent review of Certero AssetStudio for Inventory and Discovery. Executive Summary Elevator pitch Great all round inventory and discovery solution that can also be used for SAM and Systems Management. Strengths Customisable widgets for data graphs Very strong...

  • Lets talk about Microsoft Downgrade rights

    Rob Horwitz Microsoft licensing is something the majority of us have to deal with on a daily basis. There are some aspects of Microsoft licensing that are not commonly known about, including downgrade rights and what that entails. Downgrade rights’ are available on certain products...

  • Realizing Authentic License Optimization

    “There’s no silver bullet for a discovery tool” Ahead of the SAM Summit taking place in Chicago, 23-25 June, I chatted to Bernhard Boehler, Co-founder and CEO at Aspera Technologies. In this interview Bernhard discusses Aspera’s new Optimization & Simulation...

  • What is the future of software? (and what does it mean for SAM?)

    Office for iPad has already moved to the freemium/premium model, with users paying only for consumption What does the future hold for software? How will it be delivered, how will it be priced, and will we ever be able to move to a usage-based pricing model? In my opinion, all enterprise...

  • EULA’s explained in simple terms

    Always read the EULA! EULA stands for “End User License Agreement”. The EULA can also be known as a software license agreement. What does this mean? The EULA is basically a legal contract between an end user and a vendor highlighting what they can and cannot do with the...

  • What does it take to manage floating licenses?

    Ori Kaplan This article was written and contributed by Ori Kaplan, Support Manager at OpenLM. Floating Software Licensing is a method of sharing a limited number of licensed applications throughout an organization (or part of it). Floating licenses are normally more expensive than...

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