Call for speakers for the next ITAM Review Conference USA conference
We’re building the agenda for the ITAM Review Conference USA 2019 and, while we’ve already got some fantastic speakers lined up, we need more.
Do you want to share your knowledge and experience with the ITAM Review community? Raise your profile? Conquer that fear of public speaking and tick it off your list?
We can help!
Ideally, we’re looking for sessions that cover:
- Success/struggles around managing public cloud (IaaS) like Azure or AWS
- Choosing an IAAS management tool
- Choosing a SAAS management tool
- Managing Open Source software
- How Cyber Security can impact ITAM (or vice versa)
- How ITAM can better work with finance to address SaaS and IaaS risk
- Quest Software licensing and audits
- Hardware Asset Management
- IT Asset Disposal (ITAD)
- Should ITAM look after systems patching
- Internet of Things (IoT) and ITAM
If you work within a customer organisation and have got a great story to tell about one (or more) of these topics*, please complete this form – USA Conference 2019 speakers.
*Got a story, but it doesn’t fit the topics above? Still let us know – we can always find a place for great insight and advice!
Don’t fancy speaking?
No problem at all – we bet you’d make a great attendee 😁
With 2 days of plenary sessions and workshops, plus a day of Microsoft or Oracle training if you fancy it, as well as the chance to see some of the latest tools available AND fantastic networking with your peers – the ITAM Review USA Conference is going to be THE event of 2019!
Check out the agenda and registration details here
- Tags: 2019 US event · Call for speakers · Florida conference · Speakers
About Rich Gibbons
A Northerner renowned for his shirts, Rich is a big Hip-Hop head, and loves travel, football in general (specifically MUFC), baseball, Marvel, and reading as many books as possible. Finding ways to combine all of these with ITAM & software licensing is always fun!
Connect with Rich on Twitter or LinkedIn.