Category: IT Asset Management
The ITAM review focuses on the IT asset management field as part of our service we cover some of the latest news and stories in the area.
Below we have compiled a collection of articles around the IT asset management niche that will keep you informed of the latest developments in the area. We cover various IT asset management stories including case studies, best practice and thought leadership.
Sandi Conrad of Conrad and Associates in SouthWestern Ontario shares her 15 stage process for completing an internal software audit.
Sandi recommends you take these 15 steps in turn or consult the skills of a qualified SAM consultant to help you.
Cynthia Farren, Software Asset Management Expert at Cynthia Farren Consulting explores the Skills and Qualifications required for an effective Software Asset Manager. Software Asset Management (SAM) is a combination of automated tools, key process controls and talented individuals....
Chris Minchin, Director at Techam Limited, talks to the ITAM Review about getting started with Software Asset Management (SAM), his personal views on developments in the International Standard and the ways in which SAM and ITAM professionals can bolster their skills.
Steve Klos of Agnitio Advisors provides a quick overview of the International Standard for Software Asset Management. This is an edited version of a discussion in the Software Asset Management forum on LinkedIn. Steve is the convener of the ISO/IEC 19770-2 standard development process.
The working group (WG21) supporting the SAM process standard for Software Asset Management (ISO/IEC19770-1:2006) is proposing to break implementation of the standard into manageable chunks to aid successful implementation.
Krzysztof (Chris) Baczkiewicz states; “Many people like...
Forrester Research (Nasdaq: FORR) claim SaaS based tools are disrupting the IT management software market. The link to the report plus a couple of other reports relevant to IT Asset Management are below:
How Big Is SaaS In IT Management Software?, November 17, 2008
The BBC has reportedly reduced it’s software spend by using software usage data on SAP licensing.
Silicon reports that there were 2,126 staff members with licenses to use their SAP ERP system who had not logged in during a 3 month period, highlighting a potential £300K ($450K)...
- reports “Businesses have been warned that the current credit crunch will lead to an increase in the number of software audits being performed on organisations as software vendors look to safeguard revenue streams”
Both SC Magazine and ComputerworldUK...
Part two of the International Standard ISO/IEC 19770 is available in draft format for review prior to final editorial changes. Part two of the International Standard refers to Software Identification Tagging enabling more accurate identification of software applications.
The draft...
An accurate, up-to-date and dynamic view of the total number of IT hardware assets in an organisation is probably the most basic of ITAM metrics to monitor. It seems like a simple number to track but I am constantly amazed at the number of organizations who don’t have a clear...
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