Cloud or bust?
At this week’s MAX conference – Adobe revealed more information about their plans to move their products, and their customers, to the cloud.
They started their journey last year with their Creative Cloud for Individuals and took the next step in early 2013, with...
This is a contributed comment to the ITAM Review written by Filipa Preston, CEO of Software Optimisation Services.
The ongoing parliamentary committee investigation into the alleged over-pricing of software in Australia has raised an interesting debate – are Australians being...
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the recent Adobe Licensing and Audit Behaviour Survey (now closed).
I asked ITAM Review readers to rate the nature of their relationship with Adobe.
Q. How would you describe the nature of your vendor relationship with Adobe?
software publishers complaining about piracy - a charade?
Last month the Business Software Alliance (BSA) published their ‘Eighth Annual Global Software Piracy Study’.
The BSA reports that the commercial value of pirated software continues to rise and that piracy is growing fastest...
How Do You Eat An Elephant? Piece by Piece
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has launched an industry training course and certification scheme based on the ISO/IEC 19770-1 SAM Standard.
Breaking 19770-1 into Manageable Chunks
I think this is the best thing to happen to ISO/IEC...
Software vendor audits are some of the biggest challenges faced by multiple groups within the enterprise – starting with the internal IT organization to legal department to the C-suite.
These audits divert as well as exhaust internal resources due to the complexity, discovery...
This Quick Guide was updated in July 2014. View the latest version here, or simply subscribe to our free newsletter to receive a free PDF copy instantly.
Like most other software publishers, Adobe licensing is seen as a complex subject. With Adobe’s Volume Licensing...
Generally speaking, you can expect proactive software asset management initiatives from software vendors at the start of their financial year and more heavy-handed compliance enforcement towards the end.
For example, Microsoft released the SAM Optimization model in July last year...